This site

This website is hosted by Tampere Contact Improvisation association (TreKI) in Finland. The hosting and the updating is free of charge, so there will be no costs for the NIM team.

Please contact the TreKI’s NIM admin (email to when you want to use the site for new NIM! Help will be provided 🙂 Also if you are already proficient with WordPress, please join and tell/fix what could be made better.

(The domain (and old site) was previously hosted  by regular NIM visitor Thomas Artmann (Germany), who graciously donated the domain for the new hosting. You can access the old site content here for the time being, but that is no longer updated.)

Process of putting NIM information online

  1. When the local organisation team for the next NIM is decided, please request access to this site, and set up a first info page (or just send the date and location of the NIM to NIM admin), for an early visibility. Also put out an announcement in mailing lists and Facebook. It is good for people to know early.
  2. Google Form is very warmly recommended for registration, as it puts results to a spread sheet automatically, accessible for all  of the organizing team selected. The form can be embedded to WordPress also.
  3. The info and registration form should include at least
    • Travel information (airport, train, bus). Please also send links to timetables. The informations should be really precise, as this helps to plan ones trip.
    • Information about food and accomodation
    • Information about registration and prices
    • Ask for people, who want to give a workshop or a leading into a jam
    • Ask for special diets, like glutenfree or lactosefree, vegan food. This is really important to know
  4. If you have any questions, ask NIM admin :-).